The sciatic nerve is made up of a bundle of nerves from the lower back which combine to run down each leg. If pressure is applied to the nerves from herniated or bulging discs as well as misaligned vertebrae you will feel pain referred to sciatica. The pain starts in the low back or buttocks then travels into one or both legs.

Other common causes of sciatica include pregnancy and childbirth, tumors and non-spinal disorders such as diabetes. Sciatic pain can vary in intensity while feeling dull or sharp. Other symptoms often associated with sciatica include burning, numbness, tingling sensations or an electric-like shock traveling the length of the leg.

What is sciatica?

How does a chiropractor treat sciatica symptoms?

Treating sciatica starts with doing a thorough exam to address the cause of sciatic symptoms. This cause can range from degenerative disc disease causing compression on the area of the nerve root, hypertonic muscles in the low back, disc issues or a combination of several things.

Treatment plans may include any of the following modalities:

  • Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to realign the body in an effort to free restricted motion in the spine and pelvis. 

  • Cold Laser can reduce inflammation or treat muscle tightness to alleviate acute symptoms of sciatica.

  • TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a machine which stimulates muscle activity which can help with acute pain and to reduce muscle spasms.

  • Flexion and Distraction of the low back to decompress the low back discs.

If you are dealing with sciatic symptoms the sooner your start treatment the better the outcomes. Don’t delay call today.